Now selection of quotes from the Whitney Biennial p.r. --an example of true blogospherical collaboration:
...Thomson's inherently conversational practice both gamely Pop-ifies its often antiaesthetic historical precedents and resituates that generation's thought experiments in the social realm. (Suzanne Hudson on Mungo Thomson)
...Thomson's inherently conversational practice both gamely Pop-ifies its often antiaesthetic historical precedents and resituates that generation's thought experiments in the social realm. (Suzanne Hudson on Mungo Thomson)
... Bove's "settings" draw on the style, and substance, of certain time-specific materials to resuscitate their referential possibilities, to pull them out of historical stasis and return them to active symbolic duty, where new adjacencies might reactivate latent meanings." (Jeffrey Kastner on Carol Bove)
Carol-<br>Thank you for opening the door to a walk...
Thank you for opening the door to a walk inside the secret handshake of labelous art speak at the WhiBi.
I love that you paired this particular text with the image of the model sporting a shoe on her intellectual vehicle:
Bove's "settings" draw on the style, and substance, of certain time-specific materials to resuscitate their referential possibilities, to pull them out of historical stasis and return them to active symbolic duty, where new adjacencies might reactivate latent meanings."
Clearly the position of the shoe on the model's head "resuscitates" its "referential possibilities" for of course wearing a shoe on one's head is a bold step toward returning it to active symbolic duty while juxtaposing it with embittered and enslaved philosophical intellectualities. The new adjacencies can, and DO, reactivate latent meanings of "pounding the pavement", if you will, yet in this case the pavement is the hair and what is being "pounded", (as in "tenderized", or, "tempered") is the cerebral resuscitatabilities encased by objectified socially-conscious aesthetic machinations encausticized below. The only thing this image lacks is a fork, as a symbol for its trite conviviality.
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