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I can't tell you how tired I am of being accused of being 'resistant and closed-minded' when it comes to the lame, fatuous tripe that is being foisted onto the public in the name of 'art.' It's not *just* that I've seen variations of every 'radical' piece currently on view in major museums, done with more deliberation and richness by sophomore art students--it's that what these morons are trying to do has already been done, and done much better, IN SEVERAL OTHER GENRES.

Apparently, the new curatorial generation does not have enough interest in culture as a whole to have a clue about what has happened in poetry, literature, theater, music, or film during the last 50-100 years. As I told Ed once, in reference to some imaginary conceptual art piece he was raving about, 'go to all the shoe shops in Amsterdam' could be one fairly decent line in one poem by a competent poet.

Of which there are thousands.